Giving Thanks

by | Sep 13, 2022 | Pastor's Blog

I have had many meetings in the conference room in the Ministries Center. As my gaze may have wandered ever so slightly during some meetings, I noticed the view to the west. I noticed how much the Armstrong Education Building on our church campus looks like the classroom buildings on my seminary campus at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio.

When I made that connection, it brought back wonderful memories. During my time in seminary, I was given the opportunity to learn and grow. It was a gift. Through so many professors, pastors, and fellow students, my mind and, most importantly, my heart was stretched. All of those emotions came from one gaze on a building on our church campus.

Give Thanks for Those Who Have Impacted Our Lives

Have you ever had one of those moments? It’s good to take time to remember and give thanks for all those who have had an impact on our lives.

Perhaps that’s an educator, a fellow church member, a pastor, or a friend. It could be a whole community of a church, a college, or another place that reminds you of the impact that had on your own formation as a person and a Christian.

When I had that memory come to mind, I immediately smiled. Then I paused for a moment, maybe after the meeting or maybe during, and just silently prayed, “Thank you, God.”

The 13th-century German mystic, priest, and theologian Meister Eckhart wrote, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Take the time to say “Thank you, God” today.

Maybe it’s from a moment when something reminded you of the formative people and communities in your life. It could also be at anytime. It’s always good to give thanks.

Remember this Scripture reading throughout your day and week:

 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 107: 1 (NIV)